A change of diet for the winter?
You know how it is: as soon as it gets colder outside and starts to get dark earlier, we are happy to stay at home, comfortable on the couch with some winter treats. Our motivation to go to the gym or the swimming pool then quickly wanes unfortunately. The typical “winter fat” is often not long in coming. But do we actually have to completely change our diet for the winter in order to keep fit and healthy throughout the cold season?
You can relax: even in winter you can and should eat a variety of foods. But now is precisely the time when it’s good to treat your body well and to adapt to the conditions prevailing during these months.
Treat your body more frequently to an extra boost of vitamin C to prevent colds and flus. A herbal tea with fresh lemon or a handful of berries in your muesli will provide you with this important vitamin. Now is also the time to try winter vegetables like kale.
Because we automatically absorb less vitamin D during the winter, regular walks in the fresh air are important. This is the only way that we can get sunlight on our skin, which is needed by the body to make vitamin D. Your bones will thank you for it.Fresh fruit and vegetables should be part of your diet throughout the whole year. But now in winter, warm meals are particularly good for the soul. A hearty vegetable soup with ginger warms you from the inside and is a wholesome and nutritious meal. It also helps to ensure that you are getting enough fluids, something that is often underestimated in winter or simply forgotten. We should drink at least 1.5 litres a day. Water, non-alcoholic spritzers and unsweetened teas are a good choice.
And last but not least: you don’t even have to deny yourself tasty Christmas treats. But enjoy them in moderation and try healthy recipes using whole grains, fruit and a minimum of sugar. Enhanced with spices like cinnamon, aniseed or cloves, they also provide powerful antioxidants, which, among other things, are linked to a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
What do you eat during the winter? We look forward to hearing your tips!
Your Dole team