Eating better when working from home – our 5 tips
Do you work from home every now and then? Chances are, you’re probably not too far away from the fridge. And while we generally have other structures and proper breaks when working in the office, our eating habits are somehow different at home. We snack much more frequently throughout the day or we take very little time for our meals. And when we work from home, we don’t have our colleagues who perhaps motivate us to eat healthier. But how can we ensure a tasty and healthy diet when working from home? In short: BETTER? Make everything easy – our 5 tips don’t involve ready-made meals, they keep hunger at bay in a healthy way, boost our energy to help us to get through video calls and other meetings and help us enjoy our food consciously even amidst the everyday chaos.
Tip 1: Cook for yourself, quickly and easily
The good thing about working from home is that you don’t have to rely on the work canteen or on shop-bought sandwiches. Instead you can eat exactly what you want. Make the most of this opportunity to enjoy a creative and varied diet. This doesn’t mean standing for hours at the cooker, there are any number of recipes that are both delicious and healthy. It is worth cooking yourself, as otherwise you would miss out on some tasty highlights. So how about a fruit bowl, buckwheat waffles with fruit, a substantial sandwich or a colourful couscous salad?
Tip 2: Snack healthily
Let’s face the facts – many people snack more at home because tasty treats in the kitchen or the sitting room cupboard are simply always close at hand. Don’t make it too difficult for yourself: have a snack if you feel like one, but make it a healthy one. Watch out for “hidden” sugar – especially in ready-made meals, pastries, bars and muesli. If you want to eat better when working from home, fruit and vegetables are your friend. Crunchy sticks of raw vegetables or a colourful plate of fruit are a good source of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fibre. High-protein snacks, like quark, eggs, pulses and nuts, are also perfect for keeping you full for longer. Stress at the desk won’t stand a chance. But don’t forget about wholegrain carbohydrates and healthy fats also. With some clever combinations you can conjure up the perfect snacks every working day.
Tip 3: Prep your meals for the home office
Meal prep isn’t just for when you go to the office. Preparing meals in advance can also save you a lot of time when you are working from home. It will also help you to resist the temptation to reach for a pizza or other convenience food when you’re hungry. So take the time to prepare something tasty for yourself the evening before. There are no limits to your imagination. Here are just a few of our ideas: banana curry with chicken and overnight oats with banana and raspberries.
Tip 4: Set up a drinks station
Don’t forget to drink enough when you are working from home. Otherwise you will quickly feel listless and find it difficult to concentrate. We should drink at least 1.5 litres of liquids a day. Try water or unsweetened tea; soft drinks, energy drinks or even alcohol are not recommended. Are you often so engrossed in your work that you simply forget to drink? Then set up a “drinks station” for yourself. Set out some glasses, a carafe of water and perhaps a few pieces of fruit somewhere that is easily visible. So whenever you pass by, you can pour out a glass of water. It means that you will easily have consumed enough fluid by the end of the day.
Tip 5: Keep to scheduled mealtimes
When you’re working from home, the boundaries between work and personal life tend to blur. So a little bit of structure can help to improve our well-being and also to ensure better eating habits. In concrete terms, this means taking proper breaks and eating in a relaxed environment. Leave your desk, and concentrate fully on enjoying your meal. Answering emails on the side, for example, will often result in eating more or faster than is good for us. And last but not least: once you have finished your lunch, enjoy a walk in the fresh air! This will help to clear your head, ensuring that you are fit and ready to face the next challenge of working from home.
Let’s stay home and healthy!
Your Dole Team