Chestnuts – a healthy and delicious treat
Chestnuts are the dark brown fruits of the sweet chestnut tree. They are nuts that are tasty to eat, particularly in the winter, and can be prepared in a very healthy and delicious way.
Chestnuts are a popular snack and are sold freshly roasted in markets for example. Their fibre content make them a truly substantial treat. They have less fat than hazelnuts or almonds and are a good source of vitamins and minerals.
However, our bodies cannot absorb raw chestnuts. They can be lightly roasted or boiled and taste wonderfully nutty – whether as a snack, a side dish for various meals or as a topping for muesli.
To prepare chestnuts that are healthy and delicious
The simplest way is to roast the chestnuts. To do this, score a cross into the curved side and place them in a pre-heated oven at 200 °C. After baking for approximately 20 minutes, the chestnuts are soft and easily removed from the shell.
A vegetarian chestnut soup is ideal for those who would like something more substantial.
Ingredients for the homemade soup
4 portions
500 g chestnuts (cooked and peeled)
1 onion
200 g carrots
2 medium-sized potatoes
750 ml vegetable stock
Salt and pepper
A bunch of chives or parsley
To prepare the chestnut soup
- Brown the finely chopped onions in hot oil. Add the chopped carrots and potatoes and the cooked chestnuts.
- Pour in the stock and simmer for around 20 minutes.
- To finish, puree all the ingredients and season with salt and pepper.
- To serve, garnish the chestnut soup with some finely chopped parsley or chives.
The Dole team wishes you lots of fun preparing healthy and delicious chestnuts. Bon appetit!