Grapeseed oil: what you need to know
Grapeseed oil is a delicious alternative to the more common oil types such as olive oil or sunflower oil, and its mild flavour can jazz up the taste of salads, soups and the like. Read on to learn more about this delicacy and what you need to look out for when buying it.
Grapeseed oil is one of the most valuable plant oils available in our latitudes. This is due not only to the many healthy substances contained in the oil but also to the complex process involved in its production. The valuable oil is extracted from the seeds of ripe grapes.
The production method makes the difference
Oil made from grapes can be produced in two ways. In hot pressing, the seeds are exposed to high temperatures and then pressed. While this process produces more oil, the resulting oil is colourless and comparatively tasteless and odourless. Cold-pressed grapeseed oil, on the other hand, is produced very carefully at low temperatures. This retains the important and high-quality substances. However, the cost is significantly higher: around 40 kilograms of seeds (equivalent to approx. two tons of grapes) are needed to produce one litre of oil.
But the higher price is worth it: cold-pressed grapeseed oil is particularly rich in unsaturated fatty acids as well as antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The high quality of the cold-pressed oil is also reflected in the taste, smell and colour: it has a light green colour and a fruity, berry-like taste with a slight hint of grape.
Cooking with grapeseed oil
Both cold-pressed and hot-pressed grapeseed oil can be heated to very high temperatures and is therefore ideal for frying. But if you want to retain the many valuable nutrients, it is best not to heat this exquisite oil but rather to use it for marinades, salads, quark-based desserts, crudités or to flavour soups. Such dishes highlight its particular taste. Our tip: Add the oil to the dishes shortly before serving, so that the aroma can develop to perfection.
What you need to look out for with grapeseed oil
It is worth choosing the cold-pressed version due to its particularly high quality. However, as this oil does not keep for very long, you should only buy it in small quantities. When storing it, make sure that the bottle is always securely closed. The cold-pressed oil is best kept in a fridge, away from heat and light. If stored in this way, your grapeseed oil will keep for up to 12 months.
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