It’s not that long since lunch and already you feel like something sweet. Any attempts at distraction do nothing to help and the temptation to give in is strong, as the voice in your head is tireless. Sounds familiar? Today we give you the best tips to beat cravings and our Top 4 tips to prevent them.

Immediate measures

If you already have a craving, a swift countermeasure is needed:

  • Tip 1: Clean your teeth or chew some peppermint gum. Both of these help to alleviate cravings.

  • Tip 2: Drink some water. Your stomach fills up with the liquid and sends signals of fullness to your brain.

Preventive measures

Here are our Top 4 tips for preventing cravings:

  1. Exercise to counter stress: Stress is frequently one of the main causes of cravings. As physical activity helps to relieve stress, you should exercise regularly if at all possible.

  2. Eat a healthy breakfast: A healthy and balanced breakfast gets your body ready for the day and usually means that you eat less overall over the course of the day compared to what you would have eaten if you didn’t have breakfast. Click here for some breakfast inspiration.

  3. Eat three meals a day: As soon as you skip a meal, your blood sugar level drops and your body craves something to eat. At mealtimes, ensure that you prioritise whole grain products over white flour products. The indigestible plant fibres in the whole grain foods become saturated with fluid in your stomach, keeping you feeling fuller for longer.

  4. Get enough sleep: A lack of sleep causes a drop in leptin, the “satiety hormone” in the body and at the same time produces more ghrelin, the “hunger hormone”.

Tip: If you still need a snack, we recommend that you choose something healthy, such as trail mix, fruit in combination with protein or whole grain bread.

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