On a hot summer day there is nothing more refreshing than a slice of a juicy melon. With a high water content melons are perfect for quenching the thirst. Find out everything about common types of melons and their health benefits.

Most people don’t know that melons belong to the same gourd family as cucumbers and pumpkins. Melons are divided into two categories: watermelons and muskmelons.


Watermelons consist to 95% of water. This makes them a very light dish: a watermelon has only 35 calories per 100 g. But also if it comes to nutrients, watermelons have a lot of health benefits. They contain Vitamin A and C and potassium. The red colour comes from lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant and can help prevent cardio vascular diseases. You can tell if a watermelon is ripe by tapping the underbelly: if there is a hollow sound, it is a ripe one.


Among muskmelons there are:

Cantaloupe Melon

Muskmelons like the very common Canatloupe are sweeter and tastier than watermelons. Cantaloupe melons have a soft orange flesh and a wart-like skin covering. Like all other types of melons it is low in calories and contains vitamin C and A, fibers and beta-carotene.

Galia Melon

Galia melons are yellowish to greenish and hybrid melons, originating from the Ogen Melon and the Honeydew Melon. Containing only 24 calories per 100 g, they are among the lightest melons. Galia melons are rich in Vitamin A, which is known as the “beauty vitamin” as it is good for skin, hair and nails.

Honeydew Melon

You can identify a Honeydew melon by its bright yellow skin and its light, sweet flesh. Honeydew melons have a high content of water as well, but their sugar content - reaching up to 10 per cent - is also quite high. That is why it contains 50 calories per 100 g, which is slightly higher than other types of melons. But looking at its nutritional value, it is even richer in nutrients than a watermelon, containing notably more potassium, beta-carotene and vitamin A.


Enjoy the different types of melons!

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