We can buy this yellow fruit at any time in the supermarket but where do bananas actually grow? We are hot on the trail of this exotic beauty and want to take you with us on a journey to the warm homeland of this delicious tropical fruit.

A sunny home on the plantation

This sweet fruit would not feel particularly at home with us in the cooler climes of Europe and would definitely not withstand the frosty temperatures on this continent. Dole bananas originally come from equatorial regions, including Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru. They are harvested throughout the year on the Dole plantations. To find out where bananas grow, just take a look at one of our many Dole farms.

One of them is located on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica in Central America – surrounded by the mountains and the sea. The temperature here is always a pleasant 23 to 32°C: the perfect “banana climate”. More than 700 people work on this huge farm, which is almost as big as 1,000 football pitches. Around 4.5 million bananas are harvested here every week of the year. So your banana supply is definitely secure!

By the way, did you know that you can find out very quickly where your Dole bananas are grown by checking the Dole Farm Code? Simply go to www.dole.eu, enter the 5-digit code on the banana sticker and discover the exciting news about the origin of your fruit!

Learn something new and enjoy your fruit!

Your Dole Team