We believe in being a responsible business; responsible to our colleagues, our shareholders, our growers and suppliers, our customers, the communities in which we work, and our consumers. We work hard to maintain and develop professional and ethical standards in all our worldwide operations. We continually focus on our commitment to sound business practices in every aspect of our stakeholder relationships while also protecting human rights like equal opportunity, safe and healthy working environments, fair employment practices, freedom of association, collective bargaining agreements among many others. 

Strong governance is essential to Dole plc and is based on transparency and on-going dialogue with external stakeholders, including critical ones and industry bodies. 

Sustainability is a standing agenda item for all scheduled Dole plc Board meetings. The Board reviews and approves the sustainability goals and strategy proposed by the Chief Operating Officer and any major sustainability investments the Company is engaged in. The Board has overall responsibility for the company’s process and evaluation of risk management and internal control, including climate related issues. The strategy and goals are prepared by the Sustainability Steering Committee led by the Chief Operating Officer and including the Chief Sustainability Officer and sustainability leaders from each Dole plc operating division. The Divisional Presidents which lead the operations are responsible for the implementation of the strategy. Sustainability is further promoted through the wider organisation by a sustainability panel: a community of employees who champion the implementation of the sustainability strategy on the ground.

Business Conduct and Ethics 

Dole plc endeavours to adhere to the highest ethical standards throughout its worldwide operations. This commitment means complying with the law. It also means treating customers, suppliers, and fellow Dole colleagues fairly, with openness and respect. 

Dole’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and supporting policies (together our “Code of Conduct”) is a statement of principles for conducting business in a legal and ethical manner. All Dole employees and our Board of Directors, as well as long-term consultants and key suppliers are required to understand and adhere to its principles in conducting Dole business. Dole’s commitment to ethical conduct is of paramount importance and there is focus on these high standards because of our deep commitment to all of our stakeholders. 

Dole has a strict policy against the use of slavery and human trafficking throughout its supply chain; both to its worldwide operations and its dealings with suppliers. Dole requires its key suppliers to sign and comply with this policy, contained both in our Code of Conduct and Supplier Manual. Dole has also placed this obligation into grower contracts, which require growers’ commitment not to use any kind of slavery or human trafficking (including debt bondage), specifically including labour or services obtained by means of force, threat of force or physical restraint, or by depriving or violating the personal liberty of another by knowing or destroying, concealing, removing, confiscating, or retaining possession of any passport, immigration or travel documents. Dole’s key suppliers are defined as those that provide goods or services that are of key importance to Dole’s continued successful operation. 

Dole maintains an ethics reporting hotline, through which Dole employees are encouraged to report suspected violations of Dole’s Code of Conduct. This reporting may be done anonymously and the decision to report a suspected Code violation is protected by Dole’s zero tolerance policy towards any type of retaliation. Hotline reports are investigated, and corrective action is taken if necessary. The Audit Committee of the Board oversees the proper functioning of this process.

We are a team depicted by a wheel graph