Not every friendship necessarily lasts a lifetime, but friends shape our lives in a very individual and fundamental way. Today, we give you 5 reasons why friends are so important for your wellbeing and why friendships must be maintained. A good opportunity to finally meet up again with your besties! By the way, friendships are not only made at school or in kindergarten, they can be made at any age.

We are social animals

Everyone probably likes to have a few moments alone every now and then. But generally speaking we are not made to be alone, as humans can rightly be described as “social animals”. Since the beginning of time, human contact has given us protection and security; alone, we quickly feel lost. This applies to old and young alike. However, the most important thing is not the number of friends we have: a few close friends, who we trust, are sufficient.

Friends are our anchor in difficult times

How comforting it is to be able to message a good friend if we even have a small problem. One reason why friends are so important is that they do such a good job supporting us and offering a listening ear. And it is precisely when times are difficult that we frequently discover how deep the friendship actually is. Consolation and sympathy cannot be bought – let’s hear it for best friends!

Good friends know the real us

Our friends, with whom we have experienced so much, know us with all our strengths and weaknesses and have been with us in the craziest situations. And that’s really good: while we may have to appear more serious at work or among strangers, we can simply be ourselves when we are with our besties and don’t need to pretend with them. How relaxing!

Friends motivate us

Another reason why friends are important is that they act as role models, who inspire and motivate us. Taking a spontaneous trip to the beach, finally making it to the gym or cooking something vegetarian together – we are much more likely to try something that our friends like and that is even more fun to do as a team. A true gift!

We can laugh with friends

One of the nicest reasons why friends are important – they make us laugh. Anyone who has friends with a (frequently similar) sense of humour can count themselves lucky, as laughing activates adrenalin and the endorphin serotonin. Several muscles throughout the body also come to life in a fit of laughter. Nothing connects us more than giggling together and really exploding with laughter.

Friends forever!

Your Dole Team