5 simple tips for more self-love
Do you ever feel that you have to be constantly improving yourself in order to finally achieve that “Insta-perfect” life? Lose some weight, put more effort into your job, run your home with greater motivation – there’s always room for improvement. But how about lowering our high expectations of ourselves and loving ourselves as we are? A liberating idea! Our 5 tips for more self-love will help you get back that (self-)loving feeling!
Self-love tip 1: Be proud of your flaws
Dark circles around the eyes and “bed head” – anyone who looks at their sleepy face in the mirror in the morning does not perhaps automatically think of self-love. But why not? After all, it is our little imperfections that make us so unique. It doesn’t matter if these are unloved freckles, a gap in our teeth or a scar – don’t try to hide your supposed flaws. They are your trademark! And is it not admirable what your body achieves, day after day? Make peace with your appearance and don’t waste your energy on constant self-doubt. Instead, smile at your reflection – this will get your day off to a much more positive start straight away.
Self-love tip 2: Accept help
Another tip for more self-love – being able to accept help from other people. In a nutshell, let someone do something good for you – you’re worth it! It means that you don’t have to constantly set aside your own wishes and needs. In daily life, this could mean that the kids tidy up their rooms themselves so that their parents have time for a quiet cup of coffee. Or your neighbour brings you fruit and vegetables from the market this week so that you don’t have to rush to the supermarket after work. You will see that having the courage to accept support every now and then will do you good in the long term.
Self-love tip 3: Value small successes
Sometimes we do not see how much we have actually achieved. So you could pat yourself on the back much more frequently than you think. After all, it’s not always about the great victories. So, when the evening comes, take a look back over your day once again: perhaps you made a friend smile today, you consoled your child or you were finally able to clear out your inbox. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Instead, end the day with a feeling of satisfaction and full of self-love.
Self-love tip 4: Do something just for you
When was the last time that you did something just for you? Each one of us needs regular downtime. Otherwise, we will simply get exhausted. One tip for more self-love is to do something nice for yourself. This could be a walk in the forest, an hour in the gym or a healthy, vitamin-rich meal. How about a delicious fruity snack? Our grape and granola cups are guaranteed to hit the right spot!
Self-love tip 5: Be able to forgive yourself
A day rarely goes completely smoothly. We have an argument, forget a birthday or miss the train. Nobody is perfect! Instead of mulling over your mishaps for hours and feeling bad about them, remember your sense of humour. After all, life would be much more boring if everything was perfect. So forgive yourself, and smile to yourself. Tomorrow is another day – a new opportunity for lots of self-love.
Fall in love with yourself!
Your Dole Team