5 tips for more motivation in the morning
Brrr ... after so many beautifully bright and warm summer days, the dark and cold morning hours are back. Do you feel down and depressed before you even get out of bed and would much prefer to disappear under the bedclothes? Then our 5 tips might help to motivate you in the mornings. A few new habits will make it easier to start the day, even in winter!
Motivation tip 1: Wake up to light and music instead of the sound of an alarm clock
While the shrill sound of the alarm clock is guaranteed to shock you out of your slumber, the unwelcome sound is not likely to enhance your motivation in the morning. Your day will get off to a much more relaxed start with special dawn simulators that imitate a natural sunrise. Likewise, your favourite music or pleasant sounds of nature can also gently waken you. This can help to create the atmosphere of a beautiful summer’s morning in the bedroom, ensuring that you wake up feeling relaxed rather than stressed.
Motivation tip 2: Eat a fuss-free fruity breakfast
The prospect of a delicious breakfast can be a real motivation for morning grouches, especially in winter. You will have a pep in your step as you make your way to the kitchen if your morning meal is already there, ready and waiting. And it’s easy: simply prepare as much as you can the evening before. Overnight oats – porridge that you can leave in your fridge – are an ideal option here. In the morning, you can simply add some fresh fruit, such as berries. Fruit sandwiches are something else that can be easily prepared the night before. And they also make the perfect snack when you are on the go.
Motivation tip 3: Get enough sleep
A simple but effective tip for more motivation in the morning is actually a good night’s sleep! Listen to your body and treat yourself to the necessary rest. However exciting the latest series may be, don’t go to bed too late at night. Don’t eat a heavy meal late at night, make sure there is fresh air in the bedroom and end the day on a relaxing note, with a bath, for example. By the way, are you one of those who, even in bed, has their smartphone in their hand? This is a habit that will literally rob you of your sleep, as the bright light of the display will keep you awake even though you have been tired for hours. Getting up the next morning is all the more difficult. Our tip: better off to grab a book and browse that in the warm glow of a bedside lamp.
Motivation tip 4: Create pleasant moments
Sometimes even a small bit of ‘self-care’ is enough to motivate you to get up in the morning. So create a little ritual for yourself that makes the early morning more pleasant. Have a cosy dressing gown nearby to put on when you get up, light a candle and start the winter’s day calmly with a cup of fruit tea. This will give you a good boost of energy before you go out into the frost and cold.
Motivation tip 5: Look forward to the day
As we all know, the working week is often tiring, and hardly anyone looks forward to Monday on a Sunday evening. But try to keep in mind the lovely things that this day has ahead for you to give you more motivation in the morning. So stay in bed a moment longer and allow your thoughts to wander. Think about the hot coffee that you will soon be drinking, the new winter boots that you have treated yourself to and can now wear, the lunch break with your nice colleague, the shared evening meal with your family or the evening workout in the gym. And then – out of the nest!
Wake up with a smile!
Your Dole Team