Our employees, our farms and a healthy environment are the basis for all our activities. We want the people and the environment in our producing countries to do well in the future also and we are laying the foundation for this with extensive sustainable action. See what our four pillars of sustainability are in this post. They show the areas in which Dole is striving to conserve valuable resources. CO2 balance

  • Calculation of the CO2 balance of many products from cultivation to sale
  • Programmes to improve the climate balance
  • Reforestation initiatives to compensate for the greenhouse gases caused by production

Water management

  • Irrigation systems adapted to weather conditions, soil conditions and plant requirements
  • Equipping the packaging systems with water recycling systems
  • Natural barriers and plant cover to protect water in the canals

Soil conservation

  • Organic fertiliser
  • Soil conservation by tilling the soil as little as possible and rotating crops, for example

Packaging and waste reduction

  • As often as possible, our policy is “reuse or recycle” when it comes to packaging.

How do you look after the environment on a day-to-day basis? Let us know!Your Dole team