Summer is coming to an end and it's the perfect time for gardening fans to really get their money's worth. But you don't need a whole garden to create a green paradise - a balcony is all you need. Urban gardening is becoming increasingly important as a sustainable idea in urban environments. It's not just about the beauty of green oases in the city, but also about the opportunity to grow fresh food and promote biodiversity. With these 5 tips, you can create your own small urban garden and contribute to sustainability. We'll tell you how to go about urban gardening and which unusual plants are perfect for it.


Tip 1: It's All About the Right Planning


Before you start with sustainable urban gardening, you should plan your space carefully. Check how much sunlight your balcony or windowsill gets and choose plants according to their light requirements. Also consider how much space you have and plan vertical gardens or hanging pots to make the best use of the space.


Tip 2: Select Suitable Plants


Plants that require little space but still produce a high yield are particularly suitable for urban gardening. Herbs such as basil, thyme and parsley are ideal for the balcony. Tomatoes, peppers and strawberries also grow well in pots and bring fresh food directly to your doorstep.


Tip 3: Use Sustainable Materials


It's good for the environment: use recycled or reusable materials for your planters. Old crates, buckets or even disused pieces of furniture can serve as creative and environmentally friendly planters. Avoid plastic and opt for natural materials such as terracotta or wood.


Tip 4: Promote Biodiversity


Plant different types of flowers and herbs in sustainable urban gardening to promote biodiversity. Flowering plants such as lavender, coneflower and marigold attract bees and butterflies, which contribute to pollination and thus support plant diversity. Dole also loves it green: based on a risk assessment, the company wants to create and implement a global biodiversity monitoring programme. This includes defining 10 initiatives to protect biodiversity throughout the company. This commitment shows how important it is for us to take action to protect the environment.


Tip 5: Compost and Natural Fertilisers


Use natural compost and fertiliser to nourish your plants. Kitchen waste such as vegetable peels and coffee grounds are ideal for making compost. This reduces waste and provides your plants with important nutrients.


Have fun gardening and stay green!


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