Have you ever tried to fight your inner couch potato? Sitting on the sofa after a long day at work or a sunday afternoon is often more attractive than to get up and go to the gym. Even Eric sometimes has to find his motivation for sports.

Who is Eric?
Eric Johannesen is a nationally and internationally successful rower who even won an Olympic gold medal in the men’s eight. The “My Energy”-Code, a formula for well-being and genuine quality of life, has a great importance in Eric’s life. As an athlete doing sports is of course a major source of energy for Eric. The best motivation for him is running outdoors as an alternative to indoor training. This is also our inspiration to stay motivated!

Check out these four reasons for an outdoor training:

Do something good for your soul
Sunshine and the smell of the woods make us feel better immediately and help us to forget everyday worries. Those positive effects of outdoor sports are also proven by an English survey carried out by Dr. Jo Thompson-Coon.

Enjoy the fresh air
Gyms are often crowded and airless. Stepping out into nature and breathing in deeply helps you to get motivated. Especially people who live in cities need a dose of clean fresh air once in while. 

Strengthen your immune system
Wind, rain and contrary weather can strengthen our immune system and help to support our body’s defences. Try to motivate yourself for sports also in bad weather.

Discover something new
The way to the gym is always the same and after a time we know it by heart. If you go out into nature, you can constantly discover your environment. Try to find new paths or have a chat with people you meet who take their dogs out or go for a walk. This will for sure put you in a good mood.

Enjoy every step you take! #DoleFindYourWay

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