Jogging during the winter – is it healthy?
If you are sporty, you will no doubt want to exercise every day. But what about this time of the year? Is jogging during the winter good for your health or should you exercise indoors instead?First of all, it goes without saying that you can exercise in a variety of ways even when it's cold outside. If you prefer to work out in the gym than run outdoors when temperatures are below zero, that is perfectly OK. But if you like being outside in winter and feel fit and healthy, we have some running and training tips for you.See our tips below for healthy and safe jogging during the winter:
Tip 1: Warm up
For healthy jogging, proper stretching and warming up before exercising is particularly important, especially at low temperatures. The blood supply to ligaments and muscles is not so good when the weather is cold and you are therefore more susceptible to injury. Warm up while you are still at home and before you go out into the fresh air. Tip: Don't forget to bring a bottle of water with you as your body still needs fluids when jogging in winter.
Tip 2: Clothes are important
Don't wear a heavy woollen jumper or cotton clothing as doing so when jogging during the winter will make you sweat quickly and you run the risk of getting a cold. We recommend wearing several layers of breathable and rainproof clothes. Add some functional underwear, a long-sleeved shirt, long trousers, a water-resistant jacket and gloves and you are good to go. When jogging in cold weather, don't forget your hat as a large amount of heat is lost from the body through the head.
Tip 3: Stay safe at all times
In winter, visibility outside is poor and drivers may not see you quickly enough. When jogging in winter, think about putting reflectors on your sports clothes and avoid running in fog. Running on fresh snow may be great but watch out for an underlying layer of ice, which can quickly cause you to slip. Running shoes with a rugged tread or spikes are therefore advisable for healthy winter jogging.
Tip 4: Breathe correctly
You don't need to worry about the cold winter air freezing your bronchial tubes. Our airways can heat up cold air. Nevertheless, the risk of coughing and bronchitis increases when jogging during the winter months. So support your body by breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. This helps to moisten and warm the air that we breathe in. Tip: When running in winter, tie a scarf around your mouth and nose to protect against the cold air and stay healthy.
Tip 5: Don't overdo it
Generally speaking, an endurance sport like jogging is ideal in winter. But to ensure healthy jogging, you first need to get used to the cool conditions. Run on safe roads and paths and do not stay outdoors for several hours. And last but not least: remove any clothes that are soaked through with sweat immediately after jogging and relax your muscles in the heat. How about a sauna or a warm bath after exercising?
What do you think about jogging during the winter? Does it keep you healthy? Tell us about your experiences! Your Dole team