Standing up for others – 5 ideas for social responsibility
Want to do something good for your fellow human beings and advocate for a good cause? More cooperation in everyday life can benefit everyone and is easier than you might think. Anyone who wants to stand up for other people sometimes needs a few good ideas. We can help you with 5 tips as you engage in meaningful social actions. Did you know? Dole also advocates for the people in producer countries – for example through its DALE Foundation. This comprehensive corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme currently supports more than 82,000 people with health, education and other services.
- Help older neighbours
Are there older people living in your neighbourhood? Why not ask them if you can give them a hand with some of their daily tasks? Even small things can be a great help and allow you to show social responsibility. Offer to do someone’s shopping, tackle some gardening for them, give them a crash course in computers or bring parcels to the post office for them. Many older people will be delighted by these kind gestures. Equally important is giving seniors some of your time and listening to them. Sometimes older people feel lonely and could use some social interaction.
- Pick up litter when you go for a walk
You are sure to have noticed: there is litter everywhere – in bushes, at the side of the road, on the beach. Thoughtlessly thrown away, plastics and other materials are harmful to the environment. So how about tidying up a bit when you go for a walk? Grab yourself a rubbish bag and a litter picker – and you are all set to go! You will be surprised at how much rubbish can be collected in a short period of time. Your efforts are guaranteed to be successful.
- Support children and young people
You can also stand up for children and young people. For example, you can show social responsibility as a trainer in sports clubs. You could also provide private tuition, help with or supervise homework, or read to children in a kindergarten. In South America, Dole has been working in the social sphere since 2001 through its DALE Foundation. The foundation delivers education and medical care to people in the producer countries, in this way helping people to help themselves. Since 2001, for example, 1.8 million health interventions have been recorded; 18 medical facilities are currently supported. And the organisation’s first project was to build a school in Los Rios in Ecuador. Since then, the DALE Foundation has helped numerous schools to expand their infrastructure for education and leisure activities. It also provides healthcare and nutrition programmes for students. A stable and safe environment is the best basis for a better future.
- Donate food
Do you have food left over that you don’t want to throw away? Foodbanks and other smaller initiatives and associations would welcome your donations. They collect food and distribute it among people experiencing poverty. But please find out in advance which specific food donations can be accepted. Non-perishable goods like rice, pasta, tinned food, coffee, tea, cocoa, bottled drinks, long-life milk and jams are frequently in demand. If you want to do something about food waste in general, have a read of our 10 top tips to avoid food waste!
- Lend a hand in the animal shelter
Our cuddly four-legged friends also need your help! There is bound to be plenty to do in your local animal shelter. Most people work there on a voluntary basis, so support is always welcome. You can help to take care of the animals, walk the dogs or cuddle the cats. If you don’t have time for that, you can also demonstrate your social responsibility with donations in kind. Food, blankets and baskets are often needed.
Act social!
Your Dole team