When temperatures are running high – 5 tips for staying active in summer
Wow, it’s hot out there! Is it really possible to stay active in summer or should we just enjoy a snooze in the cool shade? Yes, exercise is good for us and is the most fun outdoors in the fresh air. But we need to bear in mind a few things when enjoying the summer action. We have the 5 best tips for you for staying active in summer. These will help you to get moving healthily when it’s hot outside and you want to conquer your inner couch potato.
Tip 1: Find the right time
If you have ever gone jogging or walking at noon you are sure to have noticed that the merciless heat, together with the burning sun, is almost unbearable. It can result in circulatory problems. In a worst-case scenario, you also get sunburnt. So exercise mainly in the early morning hours or in the evening. It’s usually cooler at these times, and it makes staying active a more pleasant experience in the summer. By the way, don’t forget to wear sunscreen at all times during the summer.
Tip 2: Drink, drink, drink
If you want to stay active during the summer, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Drink at least 2 litres, preferable more, every day. Water is healthy and refreshing, so always have your water bottle with you. You can also add slices of cucumber or frozen fruit for some variety. To soothe hot skin, a spray bottle with water and a few mint leaves can provide refreshing relief throughout the day. Simply spray your arms and legs briefly every now and then. Fabulous!
Tip 3: Prepare some fruity snacks
We spend a lot of our time outdoors during the summer. Remember to bring some fruity snacks so you are well equipped for every adventure. There is nothing simpler to prepare and to have close at hand when you feel a bit peckish during your summer activities. Fruit and vegetables that contain a lot of water are a super option: they can quickly boost your energy and your fluid intake if you are feeling exhausted and listless as a result of the heat. Lunchboxes with grape kebabs, quinoa and fruit salad and frozen yoghurt bites make the perfect snacks.
Tip 4: Dress cleverly
Regardless of whether you want to saunter through the forest on a summer day, ride your bike or set sail on the lake – the right clothing is crucial. Wear clothes that allow the air to circulate. This will prevent a build-up of heat. Light, breathable fabrics like linen, and wide-cut trousers, loose-fitting dresses and shirts are ideal for active summer life. If you are exercising or playing sport, special functional clothing will help to keep you cool and protect you from UV rays. Don’t forget your sunglasses and sun hat!
Tip 5: Know your limits
Even if you have fully intended to finally get fit and active, summer is the time when you need to listen more than ever to your body. Training newbies in particular easily overestimate themselves, which can quickly end unhappily in the summer heat. Instead of marathons or HIIT training, now is a good time to try something gentler. How about yoga in the park, a walk along the beach or stand-up paddling? Oh and of course swimming or a little dance in the evening sun are always a good idea!
It’s getting hot in here!
Your Dole Team