Winter is here! And what better way to warm up than with delicious food? But have you ever thought about how you can become a food saver at the same time? Don't worry - it's easier than you think! Try clever food storage: by preserving, canning, fermenting, or dehydrating, you can avoid food waste and always have fresh delicacies in the house. We'll show you how these food preservation methods work. Are you taking part? 


Stockpiling – These Are the Advantages

In winter, it can sometimes be tricky to find fresh produce. The solution? Preserving! With a few simple techniques, you can preserve your favourite fruit and vegetables and enjoy them all winter long. And the best thing is that not only do you have delicious ingredients to hand, but you also top up your sustainability points. Win-win, right?


Canning: A Classic That Always Works

Who doesn't know the famous canning jar? With this method, you can preserve fruits, vegetables, and even jams. Simply fill your clean jars with fruits or vegetables, pour over a sugar or salt solution, seal, and voilà! You have your own preserved delicacies.


Preserving: A Little Magic in the Kitchen

Preserving is similar to canning, but you usually use heat to preserve the food. How about homemade tomato sugo for the next pasta party or a delicious apple sauce? Preserving makes it possible!


Fermenting: Try the Art of Fermentation

Fermenting may sound complicated, but it's actually quite simple. Your vegetables ferment in brine or lactic acid, which not only preserves them, but is also good for your stomach and gut. Sauerkraut, kimchi, and yoghurt are just a few examples of this trendy technique.


Dehydrating: Dry, but Delicious

Fruit, vegetables and even meat - almost anything can be dried. Simply place your ingredients on a rack and let the oven or special dehydrators do the rest. The result after a few hours? Delicious dried fruit, jerky and much more.

You'll be surprised how much fun it is to stockpile your own supplies. The hassle of spoilt food is a thing of the past.


Did you know? Dole is also committed to promoting healthy eating and improving access to fresh produce. This includes, for example, motivating people to adopt a plant-based diet, supporting the Eat Them To Defeat Them campaign, the Dole Nutrition Newsletter and, of course, our Dole Blog.


Have fun trying them out!


Your Dole team