
To make the grape ketchup, peel the onion and slice finely; peel the garlic and chop finely; halve the grapes. Mix the cornflour with cold water to form a smooth paste.

Sweat the onions and garlic in 1 teaspoon of oil; add the honey, vinegar and 300 g of grapes and simmer for 5 minutes. Stir in the cornflour and bring to the boil while stirring. Using a hand blender, mix until smooth. Add the rest of the grapes. Shred the red cabbage into very fine strips, work in the salt, add the vegan mayonnaise and purée everything until smooth and no more lumps can be seen. Set the delicious grape ketchup to one side; this will be drizzled over the burgers later.

To make the burgers, work the salt and pepper into the chicken mince and shape into 4 flat burgers of equal size. Heat the rest of the oil in a griddle pan and fry the burgers for 3 minutes on each side (important: the meat must be cooked through).

Wash the lettuce and tear into pieces. Slice the mozzarella. Slice the cucumber thinly. Spread the ketchup onto both halves of the wholegrain burger buns. Place the lettuce, coleslaw and the chicken burger on the bottom half. Top with mozzarella, cucumber and lettuce. Drizzle with grape ketchup and garnish with a few grapes to taste.

Place the lid on top and serve.

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