A new year, a better life? At the start of a new year, almost all of us regularly intend to finally eat a more balanced, healthier diet and to get fitter. But in our desire for the ideal lifestyle we often put ourselves under huge pressure and want to do everything perfectly. These plans frequently fail after just a short time. Would you like to have a healthier life – without any pressure or pangs of conscience? Our tips will show you how to do that and where to start. After all, it’s easier to live a healthier life if we are relaxed, having fun and under no pressure.


Tip 1: Discover lasting pleasure in food


Clean eating, paleo, low carb …alternative diets have been booming for years now. However, this does not mean that you need to adhere strictly to one of these in order to eat healthily. Nor do you need to start the new year with juice cleanses or expensive shakes for a crash diet, buy huge quantities of vitamins and eat only supposed superfoods. Healthy eating means a long-term change of mindset and, above all, indulging all the senses. Instead of calories and macronutrients, focus on the joy of cooking and the pleasure of fresh ingredients. Sign up for a local cooking class, take a wander through a weekly market or be inspired by the many recipes on our blog. Above all: listen to your body and don’t demonise fat or carbohydrates. Eating a variety of foods and enjoying the delights of fruit and vegetables can help to make the topic of eating a very relaxed subject.


Tip 2: Enjoy something sweet without a guilty conscience


Do you think that you need to banish everything sweet from your diet to eat more healthily in the new year? Would it not be much more relaxed to enjoy some sweet treats every now and then and automatically have fewer cravings for cakes, biscuits and the like? Think about it: you won’t need to “treat yourself” to that dessert as a reward for eating healthily during the week. Similarly, you won’t need to book an extra gym session after a slice of cake. If you feel like eating something sweet, you should be able to enjoy this without having a guilty conscience. Our sweet recipe ideas will also provide you with that extra portion of fruit enjoyment. How about our banana energy popsbaked mini doughnuts with blueberry glazelayered banana and raspberry nice creamaçaí bowl with fruit stars or delicious blueberry and chocolate sandwich?


Tip 3: Pick your favourite exercise instead of following the trend


Bouldering, trail running, airboarding, HYROX and bike polo – if you recognise all of these straight away, you are definitely a true sports whizz! If you simply want to exercise more, this variety can also quickly overwhelm you. Our advice is to find a sport or form of exercise that really suits you. As a child, did you like to ride, do ballet or play ice hockey? Then this could be just the right time to rediscover your passion. It can also be very relaxing to abandon sporty perfectionism. Whether you want to build more muscles or get fitter is of secondary consideration for a start. It is more important that you find a form of exercise and stick with it, even if it is just a daily walk in the park. You don’t need to “transform” your body like some fitness influencer, nor do you need to invest in the hippest training gear. And if today you simply want to meditate or sleep – do it! Your body will tell you what it needs.


Tip 4: Unfollow inappropriate influencers


Being on social media means encountering all types of influencers on a daily basis, something that can motivate you but can also really get you down. After all, if you want to live a healthier life, seemingly perfect online worlds can dishearten you and give you a guilty conscience. While the beautifully made-up mother of four and blogger leaves the organic market and hurries to the gym, beaming with joy, you are perhaps still in bed. Wow – this is guaranteed to put you in a bad mood! Instead, it is much better to meet up with friends who give you energy and strength. They know and love you as you are. Enjoy a laugh together, go to the cinema or play some sport. Spending time with loved ones can inspire you; it is balm for the soul and therefore a very important part of a healthy lifestyle.


Tip 5: Continue to develop


Remember that nobody can give 100% all the time and remain healthy! Nothing needs to be perfect. Start with small things and allow time for positive change. Be proud of every success. We are all constantly developing and, looking back, you are sure to have achieved lots of great things in your life. So remain relaxed and patient as you work on your “living healthier” project. Unrealistic goals will not get you anywhere. The combination of a varied diet, exercise and reduced stress is the best foundation for your well-being. The new year holds lots of opportunities for you – it will be great.


Relax – you are enough!


Your Dole Team