More than a summer fruit: 5 surprising facts about melons
Melons provide us with plenty of hydration on hot days. This round fruit is the thirst-quenching superstar of the summer – we love it! But did you know that melons have a lot more to offer? They are an excellent source of nutrients for our skin, eyes and immune system. They make an aromatic barbecue snack or can be carved into elaborate shapes. Our super summer tip: melons can even keep hair and skin nice and smooth and provide immediate refreshment.
Unique melon flavour
Melons are true culinary wonders! Each variety has its own unique flavour – fascinating! With its sweet and refreshing taste, watermelon puts us in the mood for summer. Cantaloupes have a surprisingly subtle nutmeg flavour. And honeydew melons spoil us with their juicy sweetness and slight taste of honey. Fancy trying the entire range of melon flavours? Then simply snack your way through the different melon varieties this summer. You will be surprised at how different this juicy summer fruit can taste! In any case, it is a delicious choice when the weather is warm.
Good source of carotenoids
Carotenoids are pigments that give different foods their yellow, red or dark green colour. But did you know that carotenoids are also very important for our health? Vitamin A, which is formed from carotenoids in the body, plays an important role in healthy eyes, skin regeneration and hair growth.
And this is where watermelon comes in: 100 grams of this fruit contains roughly 245 micrograms of beta-carotene. Eating watermelon therefore provides us with a natural source of beta-carotene, which our body then converts into vitamin A. So we are not only enjoying the high water content in this summer fruit but we are also doing something for our health when we eat watermelon. The provitamin can even promote tanning – it settles in the fatty tissue under the skin, thus giving the skin a tanned look. It’s simply a fruity powerhouse!
Melon for skin and hair in the summer
Melons are valued in many countries for their health benefits. They have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties and boost the immune system. Moreover, melons can also give you radiant-looking skin and hair! This is because their high water content provides intensive moisture. And vitamins A and C promote a healthy complexion and strong hair. Try puréed melon as a moisturising face mask. Thin slices of the fruit can also be used to make cooling eye compresses. Freshly squeezed watermelon juice combined with rosewater makes a pleasantly refreshing and cooling body spray. And a nourishing hair mask can be quickly put together with some cantaloupe melon, coconut milk and honey!
A decorative eye-catcher for your garden party
Imagine how you could amaze your guests at your next garden party with artistically carved watermelon. The art of melon carving has its origins in Thailand, where creative artists transform watermelon and other varieties of melon into breathtaking sculptures of elegant figures, enchanting flowers or impressive animal shapes.
You too can have a go at creating this culinary eye candy! Simply choose a ripe melon (watermelons are ideal for carving purposes). Wash the fruit thoroughly and think about a design or figure. Mark out your pattern carefully using a pencil or thin knife on the skin of the melon. That is your guiding line for carving. Use a sharp knife to carefully cut along the markings into the skin of the melon. Carefully remove the pieces of skin and scoop out the fruit flesh using a spoon. To finish, rinse out the melon and display!
Kings of the barbecue
Melon on the barbecue? Hot stuff for fruit fans! You absolutely need to try our delicious watermelon steaks from the grill. Barbecuing watermelon gives it a smoky flavour and a slightly caramelised sweetness. To make your steaks, cut the watermelon into thick slices and place them directly on the barbecue. When exposed to the heat and the flames, unique barbecue flavours develop. Smoky and sweet is a surprising combination. In order to intensify the taste even further, you can also season your watermelon steaks with flavoursome spices like paprika, pepper or a pinch of sea salt. Or serve it as a refreshing side dish with other barbecue dishes.
Dive into life like a watermelon slice!
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