What to eat when you have heartburn – our 5 top tips
Ouch! Heartburn – a burning sensation in the stomach and breastbone area that can extend up as far as the throat or jaw – can be really unpleasant. It is caused by stomach acid flowing back into the oesophagus. There are several reasons why this can happen: a stressful lifestyle, emotional problems, being overweight, certain medications, pregnancy, alcohol, nicotine or simply wearing clothes that are too tight. However, our diet can also play an important role when it comes to heartburn. Our 5 tips will help you to get rid of that nasty burning feeling after eating.
Tip 1: Choose whole grain products
These are considered to be particularly gentle on the stomach: if you suffer from heartburn on a regular basis, make sure that you include whole grain pasta, rice and bread in your diet. These can help to prevent heartburn or alleviate it if you are currently suffering with it. Whole grain products are so beneficial because the starch in these products can absorb excess stomach acid. Good to know: if you have heartburn, it’s best to avoid sourdough.
Tip 2: Eat very greasy and spicy foods in moderation
You have no doubt already noticed that you are more likely to get heartburn after very rich meals. Greasy and very spicy meals literally upset the stomach and can be a cause of heartburn. You are better off eating several small portions during the day instead. Choose high-quality oils, such as olive oil, rapeseed oil or flaxseed oil, and low-fat fish (e.g. cod or pikeperch) and meat (e.g. poultry). Low-fat dairy products can also be easier to tolerate if you have heartburn.
Tip 3: Up your protein
Protein can help if you frequently suffer from heartburn. A protein-rich diet helps to release gastrin, a hormone that increases muscle tension in the sphincter muscle at the oesophagus, which then closes more effectively. Protein-rich foods include eggs, pulses, dairy products, nuts, seeds and whole grains.
Tip 4: Keep an eye on your intake of sweet and acidic foods
Are you a lover of sweet or very acidic foods? These could also be a cause of your heartburn. Carbonated drinks, juices, fruit (citrus fruits and tomatoes), some fermented dairy products and vinegar are very acidic. Luckily, you have plenty of choice when it comes to food that is low in acidity: apples, bananas, lettuce, carrots, cucumber or spinach, to name just a few. By the way: chocolate frequently seems to trigger heartburn. It is believed that the sugar, fat and methylxanthine in the chocolate are responsible as they have a relaxing effect on the oesophageal sphincter muscle.
Tip 5: Try some calming teas and almonds
How soothing! We have already outlined how you can prevent heartburn in general. If you need rapid relief, there are several household remedies you can try. Unsweetened fennel or camomile tea, almonds that are slowly chewed or even flax seeds are said to having a calming effect. However, if you have recurring heartburn, speak to your doctor as the causes are of course different for everyone. The medical experts can also give you more tips for treating it.
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