
Mix the chili flakes, curry and sesame seeds. Wash the coriander greens, finely chop 2 stems and mix with the spices. Peel the bananas, brush with 3 tbsp rice vinegar and sprinkle with half of the spice mixture.

Halve the avocado, remove the stone, peel and slice the flesh. Wash and clean the peppers and cut them into pieces. Wash and halve the cherry tomatoes. Clean the salads.

Whisk together the remaining spices, vinegar, 2 tbsp olive oil and 2 tbsp sesame oil and season with salt and pepper.

Slice the bananas and fry in the remaining oil until golden brown. Mix the salad ingredients, the dressing and the remaining coriander. Serve the salad with the fried banana slices.

What a salad!

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