
Finely grate the orange peel. Then, using a knife, peel the orange, completely removing the white pith. Cut the orange into pieces.

Peel the bananas and chop into pieces. Wash the blueberries.

Spread the fruit out on a plate and place in the freezer. Freeze for at least three hours. Meanwhile, toast the poppy seeds in a dry pan.

Place the frozen fruit, coconut milk and honey in a food processor or blender and process until smooth. Fold in two-thirds of the poppy seeds.

Ready! Serve the nice cream with the remaining poppy seeds and blueberries. If you like, stick a small slice of pineapple in each serving as an edible decoration.

Tips & Tricks

Tip for pineapple fans: A few splashes of pineapple juice gives the nice cream a deliciously exotic flavour. Pour the blueberry and coconut nice cream into a container and chill again in the freezer.

Have a NICE time!

Your Dole team