
To make the blueberry slushie: Freeze 550 g blueberries, set the remaining berries aside. Purée the frozen blueberries, agave syrup and freshly squeezed orange juice in a high-powered blender until smooth (add some water if necessary) and freeze again straight away.


To make the fruit balls: Cut the mango in half, remove the stone and peel off the skin. Halve the kiwis and dragon fruit. Cut off a few slices of the dragon fruit for decoration. Using a melon baller, scoop out small balls of the fruit flesh.


Spoon the frozen slushie mixture into a piping bag. Attach a star-shaped nozzle, pipe the mixture into chilled glasses and arrange the fruit on top. Decorate with the pomegranate seeds and slices of dragon fruit.


Let’s go get a slushie!


Your Dole team