Walking – it’s probably the simplest form of exercise, yet it’s a very effective one. You don’t need any sports equipment for a spontaneous walk in the fresh air; you can do it on your lunch break and it will boost your energy straight away. But why is a relaxing walk so good for our physical and mental health? Find out below, where we give you the 5 best reasons for going outside your door today. Tip: Make sure to pack some fruity and delicious snacks!


Reason 1: The perfect counterbalance when working from home


Contrary to popular belief, a pleasant saunter is not just for older people! Quite the opposite, in fact. Going for a walk is good for anyone who works a lot from home. After a stressful call or hours working at a desk (often leading to tense muscles), a short breather in the fresh air is just what the doctor ordered! A few laps around the block, a pleasant walk in the forest or in the park around the corner – walking is wonderful! This gentle exercise will lift your mood and distract you from your thoughts. Work stress is quickly forgotten, and after your break you can get started again with better concentration. Of course, this also applies equally for days in the office and for all types of jobs. Let’s go for it! 


Reason 2: An opportunity for social contacts outdoors


Sometimes it simply does you good to see other people. It doesn’t necessarily need to be at home. Going for a walk gives you a chance to chat with your neighbours, observe people and their dogs playing in a field, or meet friends for a coffee-to-go. Going for a walk is a great way of informally maintaining social contacts. It helps to counteract boredom and loneliness – real sustenance for the soul. Even if you don’t have much time during the day, a walk can mean that you are “with people”. A daily routine can improve well-being. A good idea also for your next walk is to have some fruity snacks in your bag, you are sure to quickly meet people. How about trying our raspberry and almond muesli barsbanana and peanut energy balls or banana almond bread in a jar?


Reason 3: A chance to find some inner peace


Walking without any destination, without any particular intention, has an effect on our mood. Going for a walk relaxes muscles and nerves; you feel calmer, blood pressure and stress levels are reduced. When you go for a walk, you can allow your thoughts to wander. Creative ideas and solutions for issues that you may have brooded over for hours at home often come to mind. You will notice the positive effects: after some exercise in the fresh air, you will find yourself more relaxed and more satisfied – simply happier. And you can soak up that important sun vitamin – vitamin D – at the same time. We need this for all-round good health. You will probably also sleep better at night if you have enjoyed a walk during the day.


Reason 4: Light exercise for everyone


Regardless of whether you are young or old – walking is suitable for everyone. And you don’t need any special footwear or other equipment to get moving. You can just get going straight away! Unlike jogging, a pleasant walk will not be hard on your joints and you won’t come back soaked in sweat. Going for a walk will nevertheless keep you fit in the long term and in any case is better than sitting on the couch. A long walk will even improve your endurance. Tip: For people who have not exercised for a long time, walking can be a great way of incorporating more movement into their day.


Reason 5: Walking allows us to discover new things


Running or cycling will also keep you fit of course. But walking is a more leisurely activity. You can roam through your environment much more mindfully and enjoy the sounds and smells of nature with all your senses. You will then automatically notice something new, such as the first flowers of spring, the new café at the corner, famous street names or free book exchanges. If you like, use your next walk as a photographic safari or collect leaves with your kids. Or how about an evening walk in the dark? Time for a voyage of discovery!


The journey is the reward ...


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