No need to ponder – it’s good to be spontaneous every now and then
Your friend drops by unannounced and your apartment is untidy? A new type of exercise sounds great but could perhaps be too difficult? You’d like to conjure up some delicious food for your friends but you aren’t confident in your cooking skills? It helps to be spontaneous in such cases and it can really make you happy. Just do it! Today we reveal why it is important that we should be spontaneous more often.
Spontaneity feels good
Anyone who does something on the spur of the moment is acting on the basis of an internal impulse and is spontaneously following their own inclinations. Being spontaneous also means leaving one’s comfort zone, daring to do new things and possibly discovering something surprising.
Like an example? After doing the weekly shop, you don’t dash off home straight away in the car to relax on the sofa like you usually do. Instead, you decide quite spontaneously to drive a bit further along the street. You then suddenly find yourself in a beautiful forest where you take a walk to a castle that you never knew existed. So, instead of the couch you have an unexpected little adventure, you’ve seen your locality from a completely different angle and you’ve created some memories – all thanks to your spontaneity. Sounds good, doesn’t it?
With this approach, you can simplify and enhance many aspects of your daily routine. After all, unplanned activities are a refreshing change from a lifestyle that is often organised down to the last detail. Spontaneous people are particularly flexible, can adapt quickly to new situations and can improvise. Like to be more spontaneous every now and then? These three tips will help you to get started!
Tip 1: Leave space for spontaneity
Nothing blocks spontaneity as much as a full calendar! This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t plan anything from now on and only live one day at a time. But leave enough space for unplanned experiences. This also applies to family celebrations, such as birthdays, for example. Set out a rough framework for an event and take the rest as it comes, without planning every detail in advance.
Tip 2: Be spontaneous together
No inhibitions! It’s even easier to be spontaneous with your best friend. Start a new type of exercise together, set off on a short trip or find a creative hobby that you have always wanted to try. And if you haven’t seen your besties for a while – simply call by to catch up! We usually take too long to think about it and spend weeks trying to find the perfect time. Instead, see your loved ones from time to time – even if it is just for a quick chat.
Tip 3: Stay curious – without being a perfectionist
So what really stops us from being spontaneous? We often do not try something new because we are afraid of making mistakes. You can forget this stress factor. Don’t allow yourself to be inhibited, simply throw yourself into life full of curiosity. Like to learn to paint or dance? Then enjoy the moment without expecting a perfect result immediately. Follow your intuition – enjoy life!
Feel like a spontaneous cooking evening, a picnic at the lake or a road trip with some fruity snacks? Then be sure to take a look at our Dole blog. You will always find some inspiration there – with just a few ingredients and easy-to-follow instructions. How about our pineapple and oat cookies, pineapple Buddha bowl or banana and peanut energy balls?
Let’s do it!
Your Dole Team