Do you want a healthier and more active lifestyle but typical fitness myths unnerve you and sap your motivation? After all, women who do weight training immediately look like bodybuilders, running on asphalt damages your joints and you only start burning fat after 30 minutes. But which of these statements are actually true? We have played fitness detective and explain all!
Fitness myth 1: Slim people are automatically fit
This isn’t quite true. In fact, slim people can also have excess body fat if they don’t exercise. And unhealthy fat is not always visible from the outside! It is precisely the hidden body fat on internal organs, such as the liver, that can make us ill in the long term. This internal fat can lead to diabetes, for example. Moreover, slim people can also be at a higher risk of developing heart disease and other ailments due to their genetic makeup. So even people who are slim need to ensure they have a good mix of a healthy diet and exercise. Tip: Have your body fat checked by your doctor.
Fitness myth 2: Weight training causes women to turn into “beefcakes”
Many women would like to start weight training but are afraid that they will suddenly build up enormous muscle mass. Are you one of them? Rest assured – this myth is simply not true and you can lift even heavy weights without developing huge muscles. It is first and foremost testosterone that is responsible for muscle growth and women by their nature have less of this hormone than men do. As a result, compared to men, they build up muscle at a much slower rate. As a woman, moderate weight training will of course increase the size of your muscles but will not lead to huge slabs of muscle. Moreover, in order to build “mass” you would also need to be consuming excess calories. So don’t worry – as a woman you will not inadvertently turn into a “beefcake” as a result of weight training.
Fitness myth 3: Exercise reduces fat from certain parts of the body
Wouldn’t that be nice if we could tackle those love handles or pads of fat on the legs with targeted exercise? So, for a flat stomach that would mean hundreds of sit-ups every day and – voilà – a six-pack. Unfortunately, that’s not possible as your genes determine WHERE you first lose the weight. In the same way that they determine the places where your body first stores the fat. In order to start reducing the levels of fat, you will need to burn more calories through sport and daily exercise. And of course by eating a healthy diet. Fact: Your body gets its energy from all its reserves.
Fitness myth 4: Running on asphalt damages your joints
Wrong! If your route covers asphalt roads you can still safely lace up your trainers – jogging on asphalt is no riskier for your joints than running on forest paths. In fact, uneven ground and roots can even be trip hazards. So, if you have problems with your joints after running, it is most likely due to unsuitable running shoes and an incorrect technique! If you are a beginner, you should definitely get advice from a specialist store or a running coach. Then nothing will stand in your way to carefree running pleasure.
Fitness myth 5: Fat only starts to burn after 30 minutes
Phew ... are you also demotivated when working out, as fat only starts to burn after at least 30 minutes? So you might as well forget about doing shorter workouts? We have good news for you! It is now assumed that the body’s mechanisms for supplying energy run simultaneously rather than consecutively, depending on duration and intensity. And our bodies are clever and do not rely on just one single source. They get energy mainly from carbohydrates and fats – right from when you start exercising. However, the proportion of fat burning increases in the course of your workout. The body therefore balances out depleted glycogen stores. Regular workouts are conducive to this activity.
So get started with a clear mind, free of any fitness myths! And for some fruity fitness food after your home workout or run, we recommend our tuna poké bowl with grapes and grapefruit, a creamy raspberry and matcha smoothie bowlor warm blueberry and coconut porridge.
Stay motivated!
Your Dole team