
  1. Toast the almond flakes in a frying pan (without any oil). Add the oats, 40 ml honey and cinnamon and continue to toast. Break the chocolate into pieces and place it in a heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water (bain marie) to melt.
  2. Stir the oat mixture into the chocolate and spread over the bases of 6–8 dessert rings. Place the dessert rings on a flat baking sheet lined with cling film. Allow the mixture to cool.
  3. Meanwhile, heat 200 g blueberries and 200 g raspberries separately, each with 60 ml honey, 300 ml oat milk and 1 teaspoon of agar-agar; purée until smooth and pass through a sieve. Bring each of the mixtures to the boil for 2 minutes. Add vanilla and lemon zest to taste.
  4. Allow both creams to cool slightly. Pour one of the creams into each of the rings, chill for 20 minutes, then pour the second cream into the rings. Allow to set for 4 hours.
  5. Before serving, remove the rings and arrange the remaining berries on the tartlets.

Crumbs are expressly permitted!


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