
First of all, freeze 200 g blueberries. Leave the remainder to one side for the topping.


To make the pear purée: Wash, peel and quarter the 6 ripe pears. Remove the core and cut the pear quarters into small pieces. Mix the chopped pear with the pear juice and 30 ml lemon juice and purée until smooth. Divide the pear purée in half.


To make the blueberry purée: Purée half the pear purée with the frozen blueberries.


To make the blue pear purée: Stir the remaining pear purée into the coconut yoghurt and the spirulina powder.


To make the pear spaghetti: Peel the 3 large firm pears and shred them finely using the spiraliser (or the grater). Drizzle with 20 ml lemon juice.


To make the crunch: Toast the rolled oats and the chopped cashew nuts in a dry pan and caramelise with the maple syrup. Allow to cool on a piece of baking paper.


Pour the blueberry purée into the bowls and add a dollop of blue pear purée on one side. Arrange the shredded pear and the remaining blueberries on top and sprinkle with the caramelised rolled oats and cashew nuts. Garnish with lemon balm leaves to taste.


Colourful tastes better!


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