
Peel all the kiwis, dice 10 of them and freeze for 3 hours. Wash and freeze the raspberries; they will be used later for decoration.


Purée the frozen diced kiwi with the honey and mineral water in the blender until smooth and return the mixture to the freezer compartment.


Slice the remaining peeled kiwis. Line 4 well-chilled glasses with some of the kiwi slices, keep the remainder to one side as a garnish. Quarter the two slices of pineapple. Using the melon baller, scoop out small balls of mango.


Pour the kiwi slushy ice cream into the glasses and arrange the pineapple quarters, kiwi slices, frozen raspberries and mango balls on top. Sprinkle with lemon balm leaves.


This is as green as it gets!


Your Dole Team