
  1. Cover the cashew nuts with water and allow to soak overnight.
  2. Toast the hazelnuts in a pan without any oil while tossing them all of the time until they are golden brown and the skins loosen. Rub off the skins with a cloth and roughly grind in the blender. Remove half of the nuts from the blender.
  3. Chop the apricots and process with the half of the nuts in the blender to form a sticky mixture. Knead 3 tbsp water, cocoa, salt, some vanilla pulp and the nuts that had previously been set aside. Pour the mixture out of the blender and knead it also. Spread the dough over the base and sides of the 10 tartlet tins (approx. 10 cm) and allow to chill for at least one hour.
  4. For the cream, rinse the cashew nuts and blend them into a fine puree with the rest of the vanilla pulp, 2 tbsp lime juice and 120 ml of agave nectar in a high-performance blender. Add the oil slowly while continuing to mix until a soft cream forms.
  5. Divide the cream into 3 parts. Stir 3 tbsp of lime juice and the lime zest into the first part. Puree the second part of the cream along with 60 g of raspberries. Finely puree the third part of the cream with ½ an avocado. Distribute the three creams onto the tartlet bases and smoothen.
  6. Wash the fruit and cut it into small pieces. Cut out small stars from the kiwi slices and pineapple. Arrange the fruit as you like on the tartlets.

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